Grossular, Diopside: Jeffrey mine, Val-Des-Sources, Quebec, Canada


Grossular, Diopside: Jeffrey mine, Val-Des-Sources, Quebec, Canada


Species: Grossular, Diopside

Locality: Jeffrey mine, Val-Des-Sources, Quebec, Canada

Size: 13.5 x 11 x 3.5 cm.

This is a truly outstanding large group of extremely gemmy, lustrous grossular garnet crystals to over 1.5 cm. forming a large, 3-dimensional, two-sided plate, associated with pale tan diopside crystals. Finding Jeffrey mine garnet specimens in this size and quality range has become VERY difficult, and this superb specimen was a highlight of the noted collection of mine geologist Francesco Spertini, who still lives in Asbestos (now renamed as Val-Des-Sources). In fine condition as seen, this fine old classic can be displayed well from multiple angles. A choice Jeffrey mine grossular garnet which would enhance any collection. Mark Cross photos.