Species: “Gummite”, Uraninite, Zircon (G3)
Locality: Ruggles mine, Grafton, New Hampshire USA
Dimensions: 6.3 x 4.9 x 4 cm. ( 144 grams)
Ex. Jack Nieburger Collection
For most serious collectors of radioactive minerals, the classic “gummite” specimens from the Ruggles mine in New Hampshire need no introduction. This is a much better than average example with BRIGHT colors and rich coverage, and is also rough/natural all-around, not cut as is so typical of these specimens. Has several old collection tags with it as well. Quite HOT, over 150,000 CPM on my Ludlum Model 3 counter with the 44-9 probe. From the noted collection of Jack Nieburger. This material in this quality has become very uncommon! Classic!