Species: Elbaite Tourmaline var. Rubellite
Locality: Cruzeiro mine, São José da Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Dimensions: 17.5 x 2 x 1.9 cm. (200 grams)
The Cruzeiro mine, located in Brazil’s fabled “land of gems”, Minas Gerais state, is perhaps the most famous tourmaline locality in Brazil, having produced world-class examples of this prized gem mineral for over 80 years. One of the most sought-after and distinctive colors of gem-quality elbaite found at the Cruzeiro mine is the intense pinkish-red “rubellite” which has been a staple of the cut gem (and fine specimen) market since the 1950’s or so. This outstanding large, doubly-terminated single crystal is not only very gemmy throughout the body of the crystal, the color is really the best red one could ask for in Cruzeiro mine rubellite, or rubellite in general. Not too dark, with bright, lively elements of both pink and red, this crystal absolutely glows with minimal backlighting, and really draws the eye to it no matter where it is positioned in a display case. This fine tourmaline is from the personal collection of well-known early 20th century actor, adventurer and gem dealer Sasha Siemel (1890-1970), who acquired it on his last tour of Minas Gerais (with well-known mineral collectors Dick Hauck and John Durkos in tow) in 1968. A well-documented tourmaline crystal of this size and quality from that early era at the Cruzeiro mine is highly unusual. The crystal has been (professionally) repaired in two places, now impossible to see. Comes with a custom acrylic display base by the Sunnywood collection as seen. Annette Slade photo.