Uraninite var. Pitchblende, Hematite: Schwartzwalder mine, Golden, Jefferson County, Colorado USA



Uraninite var. Pitchblende, Hematite: Schwartzwalder mine, Golden, Jefferson County, Colorado USA



SKU: 124l Category:


Species: Uraninite var. Pitchblende, Hematite

Locality: Schwartzwalder mine, Golden, Jefferson County, Colorado USA

Size: 5 x 3 x 1.5 cm. (48 grams)

Ex. Jack Nieburger Collection

A nice rich specimen of high-grade uranium ore, cut on one face, from the famous Schwartzwalder mine, Golden, Jefferson County, Colorado. Very nice example of this uncommon material. Measures ~100,000 CPM on my Ludlum Model 3 counter with the 44-9 probe. Rare!