Species: Siderite, Albite
Locality: Poudrette Quarry, Mont Saint Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Size: 19 x 10 x 8.5 cm.
In the summer of 1966, a huge pocket of giant, world-class siderite crystals was encountered in the famous Poudrette quarry at Mont Saint Hilaire, Canada. Specimens from this find have stood the test of time as some of the finest examples of the species in the world, and are on every “top ten find” list for this iconic locality. Many of the finest specimens from this one-time find were collected by an American collector who happened to be at the quarry that day, and I was pleased to acquire the best of these pieces this past summer. This large, 3-dimensional, total “floater” specimen features sharp siderite crystals to 6 cm. completely covering an elongated matrix of snow-white albite. A great specimen for this important find. Mark Cross photo.