Pyrite ps. Pyrrhotite, Calcite: Trepča complex, Mitrovica District, Kosovo


Pyrite ps. Pyrrhotite, Calcite: Trepča complex, Mitrovica District, Kosovo



Species: Pyrite ps. Pyrrhotite, Calcite

Locality: Trepča complex, Trepča valley, Mitrovica, Mitrovica District, Kosovo

Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.0 x 4.7 cm.


The famous Trepca Mining District, a world-class locality for numerous sulfide and gangue minerals, has recently started producing fine specimens again. This is a choice group of very well-formed hexagonal pyrite crystal psuedomorphs after pyrrhotite, covered on top with a preferential overgrown of calcite and quartz giving a very aesthetic “snow on the mountain” effect. The pyrite after pyrrhotite psuedomorphs from Trepca are the best in the world and this is an excellent example. A classic association for Trepca! Mark Cross photo.