Galena & Pyrite ps. Pyrrhotite: Trepča complex, Mitrovica District, Kosovo


Galena & Pyrite ps. Pyrrhotite: Trepča complex, Mitrovica District, Kosovo


Species: Galena & Pyrite ps. Pyrrhotite

Locality: Trepča complex, Trepča valley, Mitrovica, Mitrovica District, Kosovo

Dimensions: 10.5 x 7.8 x 4.2 cm.

The famous Trepca Mining District, a world-class locality for numerous sulfide and gangue minerals, has recently started producing fine specimens again. This is a very unusual and aesthetic large cabinet-size specimen showing bladed galena and pyrite crystal psuedomorphs after pyrrhotite. The pyrrhotite psuedomorphs from Trepca are the best in the world and this is an excellent and unusual example where galena has first replaced the pyrrhotite which has then been overgrown by lustrous pyrite. A classic association for Trepca! Mark Cross photo.