Species: Spodumene var. Kunzite
Locality: Dara-i-Pech, Chapa Dara District, Kunar Province, Afganistan
Dimensions: 12 x 1.9 x 1.8 cm.
This is a beautiful, vibrant hot-pink, 12 cm crystal of kunzite with exceptional color and gemminess. This eye-catching kunzite crystal has rich, saturated, dark pink color with a purple tint and is transparent for much of its length. Two of the prism faces are stylishly striated, and a third face has a satiny luster and the fourth prism face is vitreous and one can clearly see into the crystal. It is perfectly terminated on one end and the other end fits into a custom engraved acrylic base. The crystal faces of the kunzite are sharp with only one slight nick on one edge that is barely discernible and this is on the back as displayed in the custom base. From the dealer stock of well-known dealer Herb Obodda, a specialist in fine Afghani minerals for over 30 years. Ex. Alex Neufeld collection. Annette Slade photo.