Species: Carrollite
Locality: Kamoya South II Mine, Kamoya, Kambove, Shaba, DRC
Dimensions: 5.7 x 4.3 x 3.2 cm.
When the first really good Congolese carrollite specimens came out over 15 years ago from the Kamoya mines and adjacent deposits, they were almost instantly regarded as the best of species ever found. They were / are by far the largest, sharpest, most impressive crystals of this rare copper-cobalt-nickel sulfide species. This fine specimen is from a relatively recent find and features a large, sharp, lustrous metallic, modified cuboctahedral crystal measuring 3.7 cm across set aesthetically on contrasting white calcite matrix. Good carrollite crystals on on matrix are not common, and the quality of this one is very good. There a little bit of surface cracking on the right edge, but the carrollite group is otherwise damage-free. Displays great on its custom acrylic display base. Ex. Alex Neufeld collection. Annette Slade photo.