Species: Galena, Dolomite
Locality: Fletcher mine, West Fork, Reynolds County, Missouri USA
Dimensions: 22 x 7.5 x 8 cm.
The Fletcher mine, part of Missouri’s famous Viburnum Trend District, is noted for it’s occasional finds on unusual spinel-twinned galena crystals, most recently in the winter on 2014. Most specimens from this find are small cluster of twinned crystals less than ~5 cm in size, and very few large, undamaged cluster of well-formed spinel twinned galena crystals such as this superb example were found. This large, undamaged, showy galena specimen features large, highly-elongated crystals to over 6.5 cm, associated with white dolomite crystals. The specimen is a floater and complete all-around, and can be displayed from a variety of sides. Choice Viburnum Classic!! Annette Slade photo.