Species: Native Copper
Locality: Centennial mine, Centennial, Houghton County, Michigan, USA
Dimensions: 27.5 x 6.5 x 4 cm.
This is an excellent very large, sculptural group of modified cubic and twinned tetrahexehedral copper crystals from the well-known Centennial mine in Centennial, Houghton County, Michigan, USA. Featuring modified cubic crystals to over 2 cm with elongated twinned crystals between them, this is a great large example of crystallized Michigan copper showing the rare cube-based morphologies. Mounted on a small wooden base for display, this choice large copper is from the noted collection of Lance T. Hampel of Germantown, Wisconsin, and was then acquired by the A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum. I acquired the specimen in trade earlier this year. A fine large Michigan copper with great crystallization and wonderful display aesthetics. Annette Slade photo.